The Belgariad by David Eddings

I've spent the last couple of weeks reading The Belgariad - a 5 book fantasy series by David Eddings. I first read these back when I was 12-13 or so and I have loved and reread them numerous times ever since.

The series consist of
  1. Pawn of Prophecy
  2. Queen of Sorcery
  3. Magician's End Game
  4. Castle of Wizard
  5. Enchanter's End Game

They are still some of the best books on my shelves, but this time around I did notice a thing or two that bugged me. Mostly I dislike Polgara being such a bully in her way of raising Garion - there are so many times where I wish someone would just tell her off properly and not leave Garion feeling guilty for making her angry or upset. However I very easily ignore her and some of the other's faults, because beyond this series I have read also the next 5 books (The Malloreon) as well as the two most amazing books ever - Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress -  these two though written and meant to be read after all the others, tells the story of the thousands of years that came before, and they paint a far more real and intense picture of the two. I'm almost only reading the first 10 books, so that I can get to those two final books!

But to return to The Belgariad - it tells the story of young boy Garion, raised on a farm by his aunt Pol, when suddenly the mysterious old story teller Wolf arrives and Garion's whisked away with his aunt on what will become one of the biggest adventures of his life. I can't say much beyond that as telling anything about, say, the third book, will spoil you for what happens in the second. It is however a very straightforward fantasy adventure and you won't have any trouble keeping track or seeing through what's really happening and who's really who. Though simple and flawed I love these books. I recommend them to all children/young adults and those of us with a childish nature.

As mentioned in my review of Edding's other series (The Elenium) the story line is extremely similar, but this is still the best of them - mainly because the characters are more likeable and even relate-able. I would love to see this particular series brought to the big screen, but it would demand an immense budget and a director who wouldn't just cut half of it away, I don't think I could stand it if they changed too much - particular the feel of the story and the innocence of it all.

  5 paperbacks each of around 300-350 pages / first published in 1982-4
Review by Iben Jakobsen, BoB, 2012


  1. I can say without a doubt that I despise Polgara. I find her to be a representation of all the cliched awful/condescending things that men think about women. The entire series would have been so much more thrilling without the presence of Polgara and Belgarath. Everyone was just too powerful and with that kind of back up, how could Garion not win? It must be the dystopian fan in me that looks at this series now that I'm older and wishes it was darker.

    1. It could definitely be darker, but I think I love the non dark for the same reason I love high school musical films - the pastel colours and happy endings. I read this knowing it will all turn out wonderful and I feel highly entertained throughout the entire read :)


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