One Lovely Blog Award

Yesterday Sam, from the Tiny Library, awarded me with the One Lovely Blog Award stating that she loves how straightforward and honest my reviews are <3 Thank you so much for that!

So, along with that honour, I get to pass it on to blogs I find lovely :)

The YA Takeover - This brilliant blog is a guide to Young Adult books, in movie form. Basically when a YA book is rumoured to be made into a film these guys will let you know :)

The Daily Brass - This humorous book blog focuses on satire/literary parodies.

The Fiction Spark - This lovely blog reviews books close to my own taste and as such has recommended me a fair deal of new books I want to get my hands on :)


  1. Thank you so much for choosing me to be given by this award. I'll be working on my post soon.

  2. My appreciation


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