Readathon October 2015
Books finished: 8
Pages read: 1273
Book 8 has been read and it was just great. Right in the feels. Danish translation of Natasga Farrant's book called Minus Iris about a young girl who's twin died 3 years ago and since then the entire family has just been falling apart.
I feel like something the cat dragged in and think I'll end my readathon here and hit the showers. Happy readings to those continuing on for the final 45 minutes :)
Just over two hours to go and I'm nearly halfway through my final readathon book which is really really good so far :)
Well that was disappointing. I've finished the graphic novel version of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and I am not impressed. It's not that it's bad or complete garbage - but compared to the actual book and full story it's based on it's so watered down lacking all the magic and friendship and character development. Boo.
Goodmorning readathoners. Did you read much? I'm still not feeling too great, but will attempt some breakfast and a graphic novel.
I feel awful. But forced myself to finish the short German YA I'd started reading when getting into bed 1½ hours ago. Danish title Resten af sommeren by Tamara Bach. Had potential but wasn't very good. Really need to sleep now. Nausea keeps coming back. Happy reading to all those still going strong!
Have read nothing since last update. Suddenly felt very nauseous and ill and have spent an hour on the couch listening to the telly. Also discovered my cat had been locked in the bedroom for the past 3½ hours. Now have very hyper cat burning off steam.
I've finished my 5th book. It's a yet another Danish book, but this one's theme is something completely different. Hadet - en illustreret roman i 64 krigsdigte by Thorstein Thomsen (Hatred - an illustrated novel of 64 war poems) depicts the life of Sara under WW2 during the occupation of Denmark where she joins the resistance and becomes something cold and full of hatred. It's really powerful and very well illustrated - simple but straight to the point.
My last book was amazingly good and I needed something completely different in order to cleanse the pallet so to speak. I decided on the illustrated children's story (of sorts) - The Ice Dragon by George RR Martin. It's good and I liked it, but I don't really see the point to it. There is no morale or concluding point. It's just a story. That said though - it's a good story and the illustrations gorgeous.
I just finished Noget om Vitus, my third book, by Sigurd Hartkorn Plaetner and it was amazing. It's another Danish YA (do you sense the theme?) but it's very different. And it's just fantastic.
Dinner (pizza) has been consumed, the dogs have been walked (nice with some fresh air, I can heartily recommend it, 5 stars) and I'm about halfway through my third book :)
I've finished my second book! :) Another Danish YA. this one for a younger audience than the first book. Written by Sarah Engell - Forbandede Mødom. Basically a book about a 15 year old girl deadset on loosing her virginity after her best friend starts playing rough with an older guy --- Danish YA is a bit more rough and tough than American books.
I've finished my first book, Fredag Lørdag Søndag, a Danish YA, from debut author Christine Lind Ditlevsen. Sort of feels like I have a hangover after reading about this girl's weekend. And I'm really happy to be very tame and lame compared to her.
Hello readathoners!
Let's start of early with the Introductory Meme:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I'm sitting on my couch in the rural countryside of Denmark
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
None and all. I've saved short books for this event for months, but have non I'm particular excited for (which is a bit odd).
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Crisps. I haven't had this particularly brand for ages.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I'm a 27 year old librarian whom will be reading in the company of my cat Sofie.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
Last event I faintly remember feeling a bit stressed over trying to read, be social and make updates all at once. I'd like to try and just focus a bit more on the reading experience this time and feel more at ease when being social rather than rush around.
I've hauled in an IKEA desk for some proper table surface for books/snacks/computer. |
Best of luck with the readathon today!
SvarSletThank you :)
SletGod læselyst i dag, og det er spændende at se hvor meget du når igennem :)
SvarSletGod plan med det store bord til alle tingene til de næste 24 timer.
Tak :) og det samme til dig! Ja, er så glad for al den bordplads :)
SletHold nu op! 5 bøger allerede! Du ruller da bare med...ja, hvad de unge nu siger, hehe ungdomsbøger. Så du lige hvad jeg gjorde der. :D
Slethihi :)
SletHappy Readathon! Your reading nook looks very cozy and comfy :) -Abby #teamMagnolia
SvarSletThanks! It's really cozy! (though my feet are freezing!)
SletHvor ser det bare super hyggeligt ud! Rigtig god læselyst! :0)
SvarSletTak i lige måde :)
SletHold op du får læst mange bøger!
SletSmart bordopstilling du har fået lavet ;)
SvarSletJa ikke? Der skal jo være plads til det hele og har ikke et sofabord :D
SletGod læselyst! :D
SvarSletTak i lige måde :)
SletHvor er jeg glad for, at du kunne lide 'Noget om Vitus' :D
Den er jo fantastisk! :)
SletDen er ret god ja! ;D
SletDet lader til, at du er kommet godt i gang :-)
Den lille Bogblog
Det har i hvert fald været to gode letlæselige bøger jeg startede med :)
Slet... og du har virkelig nået mange her til aften. Godt gået :)
SletSov godt!
Øv at tegneserieudgaven af bogen ikke fungerede. Jeg har også lige læst en graphic novel-udgave af en bog, som ikke var videre imponerende (her kender jeg dog ikke de originale historier, men i tegneserieform virkede de alt for korte).
SletDet er bare synd når de gør det. Tegneserier kan godt fungere, men de skal stadig huske at få detaljerne og bogens sjæl med :)
SletJeg elsker at dit hår matcher bogen! God læselyst! :D
SvarSletGrønt står godt til alt ;D Tak i lige måde!
SletYou're making great progress - way to go! And your kitty is lovely.
SvarSletThank you!
SletWow! Two books down already!! You are doing amazing! While none of your books may have you excited yet, I hope some still amaze you and that you enjoy them all. Happy Reading
SvarSlet-Jamie @ Vailia's Page Turner
Hvor er du sej - to bøger! Og sikke nogle gode nogle, begge to er nogen jeg gerne vil læse... :-)
SvarSletDe to (og den tredje jeg lige er blevet færdig med) kan virkelig også alle varmt anbefales! Lidt et rush at læse så meget råt dansk ungdomslitteratur på så kort tid.
SletHåber, du bliver frisk igen - og får læst mere. Jeg er selv på vej i seng, så snart jeg lige er færdig med at surfe rundt... ;-)
SletTak, håber jeg godt nok også, er ikke lige en del af planerne at blive syg nu :( Sov god når du kommer så langt!
SletLook at you...2 books finished. Yay for readathon. (Only 18 hours to go...) ;)
SvarSlet3 now! :D
SletHoly moly, du går da helt amok i de bøger! Jeg vil gerne ønske dig god læselyst, men jeg er ret sikker på, at du har styr på hvordan det skal gøres! :D
SvarSletHihi :) Jeg skal jo læse så meget jeg kan tillade mig mine 8 timers søvn ;)
SletDet er jo det!
SletØv, at du er blevet dårlig - jeg håber, at søvnen hjælper på det. :-)
Tak, det er vist desværre noget omgangssyge :(
SletHvor har du bare fået læst meget! :-)
SletRigtig god bedring og tak for denne gang!
Åh nej dog, stakkels kat, hvor er det bare typisk katteadfærd! Bortset fra kvalmen, så lyder det til, at det går virkelig godt hos dig.
SvarSletHelt ærligt, det er utroligt hun ikke efterhånden har lært lektien... Ja fik da læst en del :)
SletSorry you are not feeling well.
Thank you :)
SletYou got so much reading accomplished! Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. Hopefully some rest will have it all sorted. Happy readathon!
SvarSletElizabeth #TeamMagnolia
Thank you :)