Readathon Ready - Bookpile
It's time, yet again, for the autumnal 24 hour readathon.
This is my 9th consecutive readathon, and you can see my previous runs right here.
In Denmark as per usual the 24 hours starts at 14:00 Saturday (the 22nd) and ends (duh) 24 hours later at 14:00 Sunday (the 23rd).
Unfortunately this readathon goes down in week 42 which is the national fall holiday for all schools - and as such many will be busy doing other stuff (like the Harry Potter Festival in Odense or the Fantasy Bookfair in Herlufsholm).
I, obviously, have my priorities straight, so you can follow my reading progress here on the blog in one post that'll be updated throughout the event, as well as on Twitter @gemmanebi and Instagram @gemmanebi. (and of course on Goodreads).
I always make a note of gathering short books for the readathon (or longer, but easily read ones) as I know reading something that's too heavy will make me feel less accomplished. However I may have gone a bit overboard this time. Some, you may recognise from my last readathon bookpile, but these books are still waiting to be read! I have picked out a few favourites, that I know for sure I'll try to finish.
This is my 9th consecutive readathon, and you can see my previous runs right here.
In Denmark as per usual the 24 hours starts at 14:00 Saturday (the 22nd) and ends (duh) 24 hours later at 14:00 Sunday (the 23rd).
Unfortunately this readathon goes down in week 42 which is the national fall holiday for all schools - and as such many will be busy doing other stuff (like the Harry Potter Festival in Odense or the Fantasy Bookfair in Herlufsholm).
I, obviously, have my priorities straight, so you can follow my reading progress here on the blog in one post that'll be updated throughout the event, as well as on Twitter @gemmanebi and Instagram @gemmanebi. (and of course on Goodreads).
I always make a note of gathering short books for the readathon (or longer, but easily read ones) as I know reading something that's too heavy will make me feel less accomplished. However I may have gone a bit overboard this time. Some, you may recognise from my last readathon bookpile, but these books are still waiting to be read! I have picked out a few favourites, that I know for sure I'll try to finish.
Are you participating? If so, which book do you look forward to the most?
See you on Saturday :)
Der er meget spændende at vælge imellem i din læsestabel :-)
SvarSletJeg har for længst plottet datoen ind i kalenderen og derefter forsvaret den med næb og klør! :D
Nu er der under to dage til...
Den lille Bogblog
Jeg er virkelig også spændt på hvad jeg ender med at læse - der er meget at vælge i mellem :D Det er lige om lidt!
SletDu når altid at læse en kæmpe bunke - god strategi med de kortere bøger :-)
SvarSletJeg deltager for første gang, og er så småt ved at have bøgerne på plads. Stakken byder blandt andet på Den faldne djævel af Kenneth Bøgh Andersen som jeg virkelig glæder mig til, og Kindred Spirits af Rainbow Rowell.
SvarSletRigtig god fornøjelse - jeg glæder mig til at læse med! :)
SvarSletEt godt solidt udvalg du har dig, jeg syntes bestemt du skal begynde med ToG ;)