Readathon April 2015
This is my 6th readathon and for the first time ever I'll try and contain it all in one post. Usually I have a mini-review post per book I finish as I go along, but this time those reviews can be found right here in this very post :)
Update #8 - Zzzz [00:10]
Where did the past hour go? I haven't read a word of my next book yet, and now I'm just so tired >_<
On the upside I was just announced as a prize winner for hour 11 :D
Update #7- [23:13]
I've just finished Cat out of hell and it was amazing! It's excellently written and absolutely mental. A brilliant mash of humour, horror and Sherlock Holmes. 5/5.
I've been reading on my couch so far and have had the telly on for the past couple of hours to provide a bit of background noise as darkness fell outside. I think it's time for one last book before sleep claims me and it's time to relocate to the bedroom.
Update #6 - Meow![20:53]
After a nice walk with some loud music in my ears and a look around the other blogs to see how other readers were doing, I got back to reading.
I started on Lynne Truss' Cat out of hell which I bought on a whim in London last December, and 30% in it's so good! It's funny and spooky and really engaging :D
Update #5 - The third book! [19:06]
I've finished my third book A Clockwork Orange and rather liked it despite it's very confusing style and wording. I couldn't have done it without Wikipedia for clarification though xD
It's just after 7 PM and while it's been overcast and raining most of the day, it's currently sort of dry out and I think I'll go for a quick walk before my next book.
Update #4 - Uuuugh [18:05]
I started reading A Clockwork Orange and holy smokes, this isn't a book you just read. It took a while to get used to the pseudo Russian gibberish language the narrator uses and while I usually read roughly 100 pages an hour, this book takes me an hour just to read 50! Thankfully I've only 46 to go, and I must admit it's not half-bad. I am however forced to reading the English Wikipedia entry on the book whilst reading it in order to be absolutely certain what I'm actually reading. 3/5.
It's also just about time for some supper soon and I need to do some exercises, I keep getting these weird pains in my wrists, not sure why. I think I've just been too dormant today.
Update #3 - The second book [15:47]
Struggling with a bit of a headache I decided to let my second book be an audio book. I've been listening to Tamora Pierce's Song of the Lioness series and had just about an hour left of the fourth and final book, Lioness Rampant. I love being able to just lie back, close my eyes and listen. I've been a huge fan of Tamora's books since I was a kid and still enjoy rereading them over and over again. 4/5 stars.
Update #2 - The first book [14:42]
I've finished reading my first book, The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry from 1946. I was given this book in 2007 when I graduated high school, but despite starting on it many times, I never finished it. This time I did, but I must confess it still doesn't move me. I just don't get it. 2/5 stars.
Update #1 - Vlog Warm-Up!
To those who don't know me, I should introduce myself a little bit. My name is Iben, I'm Danish, 26 years old and a librarian :)
~*~ Merry reading to you all! ~*~
Books finished: 7
Pages read: 1077
Pages read: 1077
Minutes listened: 48
End of Event Meme:
Which hour was most daunting for you?
I didn't really have one that was daunting. I know from years of experience that I need to go to sleep or my next entire week will be off. So I stayed up till I think the 11th or 12th hour (1-2 AM in Denmark) and then I slept for 7 hours.
Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
It obviously depends on the individual, but I really like books by authors I know (so that I know their style) or short and engaging books in general. Humoristic books are also a good choice.
Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
Not really. I'm stunned by the amount of work is done already, and they do a really good job with it.
What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
For me personally I really managed to balance the reading more with being social. I've previous years been a bit too stressed focusing on reading, but this time around I managed to comment a bit more on others' progress.
How many books did you read?
I read 7 books, 1077 pages.
What were the names of the books you read?
The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry, Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce (audiobook), A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, Cat out of hell by Lynne Truss, The Hedge Knight by George RR Martin (graphic novel), KICK-ASS by Mark Millar and John Romita JR (graphic novel) and Do androids dream of electric sheep? by Philip K Dick
Which book did you enjoy most?
Either Cat out of hell or The Hedge Knight
Which did you enjoy least?
Probably The Little Prince.
If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
While I totally understand the cheerleaders were swamped, getting a copy paste cheer completely out of context with my blog post seems a bit silly. Only solution to that though is more people cheering or less people asking for cheers.
How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
I'm definitely participating! I might just sign up and be a cheerleader too.
Update #12 - All done! [14:01]
When there was 20 minutes left, I had 20 pages left to go of the Blade Runner book and I finished it just in time :) The book is pretty good, but the final ending is a bit weird. It's all about existentialism and quite heavy. 3/5
Update #11 - 2 hours to go! [11:52]
I got started on my 7th and final book for this readathon and while it's really good, it's taking me way longer to read than I'd expected - I'm worried I won't be able to finish it in time!
I got started on my 7th and final book for this readathon and while it's really good, it's taking me way longer to read than I'd expected - I'm worried I won't be able to finish it in time!
I am of course talking about Philip K Dick's classic novel Do androids dream of electric sheep? I've read 68 of 183 pages so far,
Update #10 - Goodmorning! [09:36] / [10:08]
My alarm clock woke me up an hour ago and I got straight back to reading. After rewatching the movie Kick-Ass a few weeks ago I suddenly felt like reading the comics behind it and borrowed book one from the library. I'm warned in the introduction by Rob Liefeld that the creators of KICK-ASS is known for hyper-real super-violence and yeah, it's pretty violent. But also pretty good. 3/5
Update #9 - book 5 [01:12]
Update #8 - Zzzz [00:10]
Where did the past hour go? I haven't read a word of my next book yet, and now I'm just so tired >_<
On the upside I was just announced as a prize winner for hour 11 :D
Update #7- [23:13]
I've just finished Cat out of hell and it was amazing! It's excellently written and absolutely mental. A brilliant mash of humour, horror and Sherlock Holmes. 5/5.
I've been reading on my couch so far and have had the telly on for the past couple of hours to provide a bit of background noise as darkness fell outside. I think it's time for one last book before sleep claims me and it's time to relocate to the bedroom.
Update #6 - Meow![20:53]
After a nice walk with some loud music in my ears and a look around the other blogs to see how other readers were doing, I got back to reading.
I started on Lynne Truss' Cat out of hell which I bought on a whim in London last December, and 30% in it's so good! It's funny and spooky and really engaging :D
Update #5 - The third book! [19:06]
I've finished my third book A Clockwork Orange and rather liked it despite it's very confusing style and wording. I couldn't have done it without Wikipedia for clarification though xD
It's just after 7 PM and while it's been overcast and raining most of the day, it's currently sort of dry out and I think I'll go for a quick walk before my next book.
Update #4 - Uuuugh [18:05]
I started reading A Clockwork Orange and holy smokes, this isn't a book you just read. It took a while to get used to the pseudo Russian gibberish language the narrator uses and while I usually read roughly 100 pages an hour, this book takes me an hour just to read 50! Thankfully I've only 46 to go, and I must admit it's not half-bad. I am however forced to reading the English Wikipedia entry on the book whilst reading it in order to be absolutely certain what I'm actually reading. 3/5.
It's also just about time for some supper soon and I need to do some exercises, I keep getting these weird pains in my wrists, not sure why. I think I've just been too dormant today.
Update #3 - The second book [15:47]
Struggling with a bit of a headache I decided to let my second book be an audio book. I've been listening to Tamora Pierce's Song of the Lioness series and had just about an hour left of the fourth and final book, Lioness Rampant. I love being able to just lie back, close my eyes and listen. I've been a huge fan of Tamora's books since I was a kid and still enjoy rereading them over and over again. 4/5 stars.
Update #2 - The first book [14:42]
I've finished reading my first book, The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry from 1946. I was given this book in 2007 when I graduated high school, but despite starting on it many times, I never finished it. This time I did, but I must confess it still doesn't move me. I just don't get it. 2/5 stars.
Update #1 - Vlog Warm-Up!
To those who don't know me, I should introduce myself a little bit. My name is Iben, I'm Danish, 26 years old and a librarian :)
Wow ... du er sej! Glæder mig til at følge med herinde. :0) Elsker din kat!
SvarSletTak for det :D Rigtig god læselyst :)
SletSikke en skøn video - og en genial idé! :D
SvarSletJeg glæder mig til at følge med - god læselyst!
Hihi tak tak :D I lige måde!
SletÅh, øv at du ikke syntes om 'Den lille Prins', men så er det bare videre til de andre bøger! :D
SletJeg følger med i din læsning! :D Glæder mig!
SvarSletJeg følger også din! :D Rigtig god læselyst :)
SletSikke en fin video (selvom jeg fik lidt stress af at se den i sidste øjeblik! :D).
SvarSletRigtig god læselyst og IH - hvorfor købte jeg ikke flæskesvær??
Ingen stress, det vil vi ikke have! ;D flæskesvær er mums! (så længe man ikke tænker nærmere over dem) Rigtig god læselyst :)
SletJeg glæder mig sådan til at følge dit læsedøgn. God læse lyst!
SvarSletTak i lige måde! :)
SletÅh, en fin video! Jeg glæder mig til at følge din læsning undervejs <3 HAPPY READING
SvarSletTak :) i lige måde!
SletVildt nok med 'Clockwork Orange'. Jeg vil også gerne læse den snart, men det lyder ikke umiddelbart som noget, man bare lige *gør* :p
SletJeg tror faktisk det hjælper hvis man som her bare siger nu læser jeg den og jeg stopper ikke før jeg er færdig. Skrivestilen og sproget er så anderledes at man virkeligt skal fokusere på at blive i stemningen og kunne forstå det, så jeg tror man gør det sværere for sig selv hvis man kun læser lidt ad gangen. Den er interessant og giver virkelig stof til eftertanke (og forvirring ;)
SletAh, ja okay! Nogle bøger skal man også bare læse sig ind i på den måde. Og så er readathon jo den perfekte mulighed for fordybelse :)
Sletyour 6th readathon! it's my 5th :) Hope you have a wonderful reading day! #TeamMrPopper
SvarSletThank you :) happy reading to you too!
Slet6 gang! Hold da op, så er du godt nok erfaren efterhånden. Og super fint med en lille video, men tror jeg gemmer at se den til lidt senere. :)
SvarSletJa det er helt vildt det allerede er 6. gang :) men det er nu en helt ny oplevelse hver gang
SletAbsolut, det ser også ud til du har haft et vanvittigt godt og produktivt readathon med alle de bøger du har læst dig igennem. :)
SletHappy readathon! Everyone seems to love The Little Prince but I've never gotten into it. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.
SvarSletHappy readathon to you too! Thankfully there's room in the world for different opinions :)
SletÆrgerligt at den ikke faldt i din smag. Jeg husker det som en sød og tankevækkende historie :-)
Den lille Bogblog
Jeg tror det er en bog jeg bliver nødt til at vende tilbage til igen på et senere tidspunkt og se om jeg ikke kan få vredet lidt mere ud af den :)
SletSå lige din update med 'Cat out of Hell' - det er da en fantastisk titel til en bog! Den må jeg tjekke ud :D
Den lille Bogblog
Den kan virkelig også anbefales!! :D
SletPleasure to meet you! Cheering you on From Michigan with Mr Popper!
SvarSletSuper fin og hyggelig video! Og hvor er du bare sej, at du allerede er i gang med bog 3! :)
SvarSletJeg elsker selv Tamora Pierce, og specielt Alanna - der er bare ikke noget som hendes fantastiske eventyr. Det er min go-to back-up hvis jeg kommer til et punkt hvor jeg slet ikke gider at læse andet - så kan man altid læse Tamora :)
Fortsat held og lykke med "Clockwork Orange", det er noget af en udfordring :)
<3 Tamora! Så du hende til fantasyfestivalen? Hun er bare så fantastisk :)
SletTak, det var noget af en mundfuld, men det lykkedes da heldigvis :D
Fedt, at du "klarede" den! :)
SletJeg havde desværre ikke mulighed for at komme til Danmark da hun var med til fantasyfestivalen, men jeg ville SÅ gerne have kunnet - hun er klart en af de forfattere jeg allerhelst ville møde :)
Dejligt, at din nuværende bog også er god - den lyder virkelig god på GR, så jeg må straks føje den til TBR-bjerget :)
Ej hvor ærgerligt du ikke kunne komme, det var en helt speciel oplevelse.
SletCat out of hell kom virkeligt bag på mig, var ikke klar over det var sådan en guldklump jeg havde stående på min reol! :D
I really like A Clockwork Orange - but no, it's definitely not a quick read :-D
SvarSletSo I've learned :D
SletI'm here to cheer you on from Texas! Sounds like your are doing quite well. I love Tamora Pierce's books and I read the Alanna books several years ago. Have not listened to them yet. Enjoy your day!!
SvarSletHi there :D They work quite well as audiobooks, definitely worth checking out, I only wish I could get the rest of the many books read to me as well!
SletIrene from Team Mr. Popper here. I hope you're enjoying the readathon so far. Please remember that it's all about having fun, so if you feel more like snacking than reading, then go ahead. This event is the perfect excuse for snacking!
SvarSletI'm sure you'll reach your goal. You can do this!
Thank you :D
SletI hope you're having a great Readathon! I love your vlog, so cute! Enjoy yourself and remember that #TeamPopper is cheering you on!
SvarSletThank you :D
SletIt looks like you're having a great readathon! Happy reading! #TeamPopper
SvarSletIt's hour 15. It's time to shake it all up, and maybe change the reading material for something lighter, faster, easier, funnier. You've earned it. Go for a graphic novel, a comedy, a poem, a book of verse, anything, but make a change, just for a few pages or chapters. Oh... and now is the time for one of those super snacks you've been saving! ;-) #TeamMrPopper
SvarSletP.S. Det er rigtigt, det er klokken 4 om morgen. Du kan klar det her! Blive ved! ;-)
Congratulations on reading for so long! I hope that you enjoyed your readathon.
SvarSletThank you! I hope you had a great time too
SletYou are a reading machine. Five books is a lot! I really like your photos. I have made a note to keep a camera handy for the next readathon.
SvarSletIt is really quiet now. I can hear my cat snoring. We are in the homestretch. Don't forget to move around a bit. Best of luck in achieving your read-a-thon goals. Happy reading! #TeamMrPopper
Thank you :) I just use the instagram app on my phone, it's nice with some photos amidst all the text :)